Tag Archives: Term 1

Fall 2014 – Chap. 4 – Motherboards, Power Supplies and Cases Quiz

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of Motherboards, Power Supplies and Cases through a summative quiz.

D2SC Website: https://puhsd.d2sc.com/


Topics Discussed:

  • Chapter 4: Motherboards, Power Supplies and Cases



  1. Click the D2SC link to connect to the online testing website. Log in with your student number as both the username and the password.
  2. Navigate to your Assignments and click the “Mobos, PSUs and Cases Quiz”.
  3. The quiz is 22 questions, all multiple choice. Seven of the questions are visual identification questions that will require you to identify a power connector based on a linked picture. Click the provided link and select the power connector pictured from the available choices.
  4. Please put away all notes, study guides and other materials before starting the quiz.
  5. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
  6. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  7. Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today.

Assigned: October 2nd, 2014
Due Date: October 2nd, 2014

Fall 2014 – Intro to Typography – 9 – Helvetica Reflection

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014
On Monday and Tuesday, we watched the movie Helvetica, which explores not only the history and development of the Helvetica typeface and typography in general, but also explores the dichotomy between the adherence to established principles of design and the desire to express one’s stylistic individuality and innovation. To further explore these ideas, please start a new Google Document, and follow the instructions below to answer the questions provided in the Helvetica Reflection.pdf document. You will use complete sentences and a close relative of the Helvetica typeface called Arial. You will share these answers with me using your haydenmagnet.org Google account.


  • I can reflect on the concepts and ideas introduced in the movie Helvetica.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Typeface
  • Modernism
  • Post-Modernism
  • Rational
  • Humanistic
Helvetica Film Website

Topics Discussed:
  • Modernists
  • Grid Design
  • Rational
  • Post-Modernists
  • Humanist


  1. Connect to the class file server ( – StudentsTempFiles), and download the .pdf document entitled 9 – Helvetica Reflection.pdf from the Student Pickup Folder.
  2. Open a Safari browser and open the Google website.
  3. Click the blue Sign In button in the upper right corner.
  4. Sign in with the Haydenmagnet.org account we tested at the beginning of the year. (Login: first two initials of your first name, a dot, then your last name; example: mi.marmolejo@haydenmagnet.org)  If you do not remember your username or password from this account, please see Mister Marmolejo, Miss Delgado in room 227 or Miss Jones in room 204 to get your account fixed.
  5. Once you are logged in, click on the Apps button (the little grey square made out of nine smaller squares) next to your username at the top of the page to access Google Drive.
  6. Click on the red Create button on the left hand side, and create a new Document.
  7. In your new document, answer each of the questions in the document using complete sentences.
  8. You must have one complete sentence for each question in each prompt, and these sentences must be formatted in 12pt Arial (Helvetica’s evil twin!).
  9. When you are finished, click the words “Untitled Document” in the upper left corner, and give this document a proper name (preferably “Helvetica Reflection”).
  10. Finally, click the blue Share button in the upper right hand corner, and invite me to share the document. The email address to use is mi.marmolejo@haydenmagnet.org.
  11. You must share this document with me before end of day on Thursday, October 2nd to receive credit before 1st Term grades are submitted.
  12. When you are finished with this Helvetica Reflection assignment, you may work on any assignments that are past due. Check your grades on StudentVUE to confirm that all your assignments have been turned in and graded.
  13. Past due assignments should be emailed to me at mi.marmolejo@haydenmagnet.org before end of day on Thursday to receive credit. Note: Do not turn late assignments in to the StudentsTempFiles drop folders! I am not on campus to grade them and cannot give you credit unless they are emailed directly to me!
  14. If you have completed all your assignments, the rest of the time is yours. Please use it wisely and quietly, and thanks for all your hard work this term!

Assigned: October 1st, 2014
Due Date: October 2nd, 2014