Using modifier keys to access additional options and save time
Demonstrate the usage of the shape tools on the lower left artboard by drawing a Rectangle, a Perfect Square, a Rounded Rectangle, an Ellipse, a Perfect Circle, a Triangle, a Pentagon, a Hexagon, a Line and a Star. Then demonstrate the use of the Eraser tool by erasing a small part of each shape. Save your work and we will continue using this document tomorrow.
Differentiate between and correctly use the Brush and Blob Brush tools by drawing a face with the Brush tool (two eyes, a nose, a mouth and a head) on the upper left artboard, then drawing a face with the Blob Brush tool on the upper right artboard. Compare how the brushstrokes are different and pay attention to the special path-merging properties of the Blob Brush. Save your document, and we will continue working on this document tomorrow.