Spring 2015 – Illustrator Week 1 – Day 4


To learn and demonstrate an understanding of the use of the Pen Tool in Illustrator.

Student-Friendly Learning Target: 

I can create and modify paths and shapes using the Pen Tool in Illustrator.

Video Link:
Activity Link:
Topics Discussed:

  • Pen tool
  • Modify anchor points and handles
  • Convert corner points
  • Smooth curves at anchor points.

Click the Activity Link to play the Pen Tool Game! Help Weber the alien get home, and try to get the highest score! Take a screencap (Command+Shift+4 and draw a rectangle around the part of the screen you want to capture) of your score and place it on the lower left artboard. Highest score in each class gets a prize!

Once you’re comfortable with the pen tool, demonstrate the usage of the Pen tool on the same lower left artboard by drawing an open rectangular wave, a closed rectangular wave shape, an open smooth wave and a closed smooth wave shape. Apply a colored fill to the closed waves. When you are finished, it should look something like this:

Illustrator Example Week 1 Artboard 4
Illustrator Example Week 1 Artboard 4

Save the file and we will use the final artboard and turn in this document tomorrow.

Assigned: January 12th, 2015
Due Date: January 16th, 2015