Spring 2014 – Logo Design Step 4 – Sketching and Conceptualizing

Objective: To continue the logo design process by brainstorming logo designs and sketching ideas on paper.

Student Friendly Learning Target: I can produce five sketches of possible logos for the Falcon Robotics team.

Web Links:


Topics Discussed:

  • Eight Step Logo Design Process:
    • Step 4 – Sketching and Conceptualizing


Step 4 – Sketching/Conceptualizing

Once your research has been completed, you should begin developing logo concept sketches. These should be very rough sketches – do not go overboard on the artwork at this point. Your artwork should be just enough to clearly show the visual concept you are working on.

By the end of the week, you will need to produce five different logo design concepts. These should each be separate and distinct logo ideas, don’t just produce five versions of the same design. Use this time to visually brainstorm ideas, and to get the ideas in your head out on paper. You may do these sketches with traditional tools (pencil, pen, paint) on paper, or you may do them digitally (using Illustrator). You may do any combination of traditional and digital, so long as you have five different concepts by the due date.

Remember: these are sketches only! You will spend the entirety of the week after Spring Break selecting a single concept to work on as your final logo design, and only at that time should you put your best artistic effort into the work.

When you have finished your five sketches: if you did your sketches on paper, turn them in to the wire basket on my front table; if you did your sketches in Illustrator, turn them in to folder number “34 – Logo Sketches” on the StudentsTempFiles volume. Then, proceed to Step 5: Relax, and reflect on your design work over Spring Break, and be ready to resume work with fresh eyes next Monday!

Assigned: Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Due: Friday, March 14th, 2014