Tag Archives: Spring 2015

Spring 2015 – 35 – Introduction to Flash Professional

Welcome to Adobe Flash Professional!
Whereas Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard vector graphics drawing program, Adobe Flash is the industry standard in rich media production. Flash allows its users to produce everything from basic animations to interactive multimedia experiences, to applications such as games. We are going to spend the next couple of weeks learning about the program andexploring its relationship to Illustrator.
  • Identify the elements of the Flash interface, including the Stage, Timeline, Panels and Tool Panel.
  • Produce Rectangle, Rectangle Primitive, Oval, Oval Primitive and Polystar shapes, and discuss their properties.
  • Explain the difference between shapes drawn with Object Drawing enabled, and those without.
  • Explain the difference between Shape Primitives and standard Shapes.


Student Friendly Objectives:

  • I can  identify the elements of the Flash interface.
  • I can produce shapes using the Flash tools.
  • I can explain the difference between a shape drawn with Object Drawing enabled and disabled.
  • I can explain the difference between a Shape Primitive and a standard Shape.


Video Links:

Understanding the Flash Environment:

Topics Discussed:
  • Start a new document in Flash CS5.5 using the Welcome screen.
  • Stage
  • Timeline
  • Panels
  • Tool Panel
  • Rectangle Tool
  • Rectangle Primitive Tool
  • Oval
  • Oval Primitive Tool
  • Polystar Tool
  • Object Drawing



  1. Produce a single Flash ActionScript 3.0 file. Name it “Your Name – Flash Day 1″
  2. Use the Shape tools to draw examples of the following shapes:
    1. Rectangle
    2. Rectangle Primitive
    3. Oval
    4. Oval Primitive
    5. Polystar Polygon
    6. Polystar Star
    7. Two overlapping Object drawn shapes (representing the properties of Objects)
    8. Two overlapping standard shapes, where one shape takes a “bite” out of the other
  3. Turn in the completed “Your Name – Flash Day 1.fla” file to folder “35 – Flash Day 1″ in your period’s subfolder by the end of today.


Assigned: April 13th, 2014
Due Date: April 15th, 2014


Spring 2015 – Logo Design Steps 5, 6 and 7 – Reflection, Positioning and Presentation

Objective: To complete the logo design process by selecting and finalizing a logo design.

Student Friendly Learning Target: I will select and refine a final logo for the Innovative Technologies VEX Robotics team.

Web Links:

Innovative Technologies Students Compete in VEX Robotics Competition

Topics Discussed:

  • Eight Step Logo Design Process:
    • Step 5 – Reflection
    • Step 6 – Positioning
    • Step 7 – Presentation


Hopefully, you completed Step 5 – Reflection on Easter Sunday by getting some good rest and coming back refreshed and renewed. Look at your logo sketches once more, and select one to begin refining into your final logo design. This final logo design must adhere to the Six Principles of Good Logo Design that we previously studied, and should incorporate all that you’ve learned about the Principles of Design, Shape, Color Theory and Symbolism.

Step 6 – Positioning

You will soon receive your completed Design Brief documents, updated with the Innovative Technologies VEX Robotics team’s responses. Read the responses that the VEX Robotics representative has provided, and take their advice under consideration. Now you have a decision to make: Will you alter your logo design to meet the requests that Robotics has made, or will you proceed with your own ideas with the confidence that as a trained designer, you know what they will like better than they do? This decision is called Positioning, and it is a choice that every professional designer who takes on a client has to make. Bear in mind that unlike most professional designers, you will not have the opportunity to support or defend your design decisions when it comes time for the Innovative Technologies Robotics representatives to judge the winner of the competition, so make your decisions accordingly.

Step 7 – Presentation

Your Illustrator file containing your final logo design on a single artboard should have your name in the filename, and should be submitted to folder  “34 – Final Logo Design” on the StudentTempFiles shared folder for your appropriate class period no later than the end of the day on Friday, April 10th. This is a rigid deadline, and any late submissions will not be accepted for the competition. There are two important reasons for this: the first is that it would be unfair to allow any one individual more time to work on their design by allowing them to turn it in later than everyone else, and the second is that we will be testing all next week, and will have classes on alternating days as we begin our next unit. Manage your time wisely.

Presentation of the final logo submissions and judging will occur in the days to follow, and when a winner is selected, the winner will be announced in all Graphic Design classes, and then it will be time for the final step: Step 8 – Celebration!

Good luck, work hard, make good decisions, and we’ll see you all at the celebration where we’ll toast the winner of the competition as well as everyone who successfully worked through the process to create a logo design that they can be proud of.

Assigned: Monday, April 6th, 2015

Due: Friday, April 10th, 2015