Tag Archives: Illustrator

Spring 2015 – Illustrator Week 2 – Advanced Techniques

Welcome to Illustrator Week 2

This week we are going to explore more advanced capabilities of Illustrator, including layers, Symbols, Styles and advanced typography.
Prepare yourself!


To learn and demonstrate an understanding of Symbols in Illustrator.

Student-Friendly Learning Target: 
I can create and modify Symbol objects in Adobe Illustrator.
Video Link:
Topics Discussed:
  • Start a new document in Illustrator CS4 using the Welcome screen.
  • Adjust settings in the New Document dialog box.
  • Establish multiple artboards.
  • Create a Symbol object.
  • Modify a Symbol object.
  • Use the Symbol Sprayer to rapidly place a large number of symbols.


  • Create a new Illustrator Web document with four default-sized artboards. Save this document as “YOURNAME – Illustrator Week 2”. We will use this document throughout the week to practice with the advanced tools.
  • Using the submarine you drew last week as a model, and the techniques demonstrated in class today, create three different symbols, each using a different color sub.
  • Use a symbol and the Symbol Sprayer tool described in class to fill the rest of the first artboard with submarines. (Do not go over the edge of the artboard!)
Assigned: January 26th, 2015

Due Date: January 28th, 2015

Spring 2015 – 22 – Yellow Submarine

To learn and demonstrate an understanding of the use of drawing tools in Adobe Illustrator.

Student-Friendly Learning Target: 
I can use the drawing tools in Illustrator to produce a picture of a submarine.

Video Links:

Review the video links in Week 1’s lessons to refresh your memory on the use of the Shape tools, the Brush and Blob Brush tools and the Pen tool.
Topics Discussed:
  • Select Tool (Black Arrow)
  • Direct Select Tool (White Arrow)
  • Shape Tool
  • Line Tool
  • Brush Tool
  • Blob Brush Tool
  • Pen Tool
  • Anchor Points
  • Convert Anchor Point Tool



Create a new Illustrator Web landscape-oriented document with all the default settings and one artboard. Using the tools and techniques demonstrated in the videos and discussed in class, draw the yellow submarine in the picture above. A copy of the image is provided in the link below to use as a reference. Be sure to use closed shapes to make parts of the sub that need to be filled in with color, and use the Object -> Arrange menu to change whether objects are in front or in back of each other. Do your best to make your sub look like the one in the picture, but if you want to change the fill colors, you may do so. (for example, the sub doesn’t necessarily need to be yellow). Good luck and happy drawing!

Sample Image File Link:


Assigned: January 20th, 2015
Due Date: January 22nd, 2015