Tag Archives: Flash

Spring 2015 – 35 – Introduction to Flash Professional

Welcome to Adobe Flash Professional!
Whereas Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard vector graphics drawing program, Adobe Flash is the industry standard in rich media production. Flash allows its users to produce everything from basic animations to interactive multimedia experiences, to applications such as games. We are going to spend the next couple of weeks learning about the program andexploring its relationship to Illustrator.
  • Identify the elements of the Flash interface, including the Stage, Timeline, Panels and Tool Panel.
  • Produce Rectangle, Rectangle Primitive, Oval, Oval Primitive and Polystar shapes, and discuss their properties.
  • Explain the difference between shapes drawn with Object Drawing enabled, and those without.
  • Explain the difference between Shape Primitives and standard Shapes.


Student Friendly Objectives:

  • I can  identify the elements of the Flash interface.
  • I can produce shapes using the Flash tools.
  • I can explain the difference between a shape drawn with Object Drawing enabled and disabled.
  • I can explain the difference between a Shape Primitive and a standard Shape.


Video Links:

Understanding the Flash Environment:

Topics Discussed:
  • Start a new document in Flash CS5.5 using the Welcome screen.
  • Stage
  • Timeline
  • Panels
  • Tool Panel
  • Rectangle Tool
  • Rectangle Primitive Tool
  • Oval
  • Oval Primitive Tool
  • Polystar Tool
  • Object Drawing



  1. Produce a single Flash ActionScript 3.0 file. Name it “Your Name – Flash Day 1″
  2. Use the Shape tools to draw examples of the following shapes:
    1. Rectangle
    2. Rectangle Primitive
    3. Oval
    4. Oval Primitive
    5. Polystar Polygon
    6. Polystar Star
    7. Two overlapping Object drawn shapes (representing the properties of Objects)
    8. Two overlapping standard shapes, where one shape takes a “bite” out of the other
  3. Turn in the completed “Your Name – Flash Day 1.fla” file to folder “35 – Flash Day 1″ in your period’s subfolder by the end of today.


Assigned: April 13th, 2014
Due Date: April 15th, 2014


Spring 2014 – 49 – Final Animation

Thursday, May 7th, 2014


  • Produce a complete Flash animation that features the student’s original character.
Student-Friendly Objective:

  •  I can produce a complete Flash animation featuring my original character.

Video Link:

  • None. See video links attached to Lessons 35 – 44 for review.
Topics Discussed:
  • For a complete list of Topics Discussed, please see the previous lessons (35 – 44).


  • First, create a new 800 x 600 ActionScript 3.0 animation running at 30fps.
  • Use File -> Import -> Import to Stage to import your character’s front and side views to separate layers. Your characters should be imported to a single flash layer, and should appear as a group of symbols (the symbols you created in Illustrator in the previous lesson).
  • Using the Adobe Flash techniques studied in class, design a Flash animation using bone tweens and embedded animation to have your character “walk” onto the stage, perform some action, then leave the stage.
  • Your animation must be a minimum of 8 seconds long, without titles.
  • You may only use audio, images and text that you have created yourself. This includes music, artwork, photographs and animations. Anything you did not create yourself may not be used.
  • When your animation is complete, export it as a movie. See Mister Marmolejo for details on how to do this.
  • Turn the .fla Flash file and the exported .mov movie in to folder number “49 – Final Animation”.
  • All completed movies will be viewed at an in-class film festival on May 16th. Note: All seniors must present on the 16th.
  • You must have an 8-second movie to present on Friday, May 16th. Failure to do so will result in an “zero” on your final exam.

Do your best, and good luck!

Assigned: May 8th, 2014
Due Date: May 15th, 2014