Tag Archives: Computer Graphic Design

Fall 2014 – 1.2 – Turning in Assignments

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

  • Launch and save a document in the Macintosh environment
  • Connect to the classroom file server
  • Turn in an assignment to the appropriate Student Drop Folder
Video Links:


Topics Discussed:
  • OSX Mavericks
  • Microsoft Word
  • File Servers and Volumes


  1. Connect to the server by activating the Finder (Click on your desktop wallpaper), and using the Go -> Connect to Server menu command, or the keyboard shortcut (Command + K).
  2. The server address is Enter this in the address field and click the blue Connect button.
  3. Connect as a Guest by clicking the “Guest” button and clicking the Connect button.
  4. Scroll down in the list and select the “StudentTempFiles” volume and click OK.
  5. Navigate through StudentTempFiles to the “Marmolejo CGD 1-2” folder. Drill down through this folder to the Student Drop Folder, find your period number and locate the target folder for today’s assignment (1.2 – I’m Here).
  6. Launch Microsoft Word (Go Menu -> Applications -> Microsoft Office Folder -> Microsoft Word) and write at least two paragraphs describing what you learned last week (as much as you remember), what you would most like to learn in this class and why you would like to learn this. Make sure you use proper grammar and run a spell check before you are finished. Save this file with your name as the file name. It should automatically save to your Documents folder. Remember the location of this document.
  7. Tomorrow we will copy (drag and drop) the file you created from your Documents folder to the appropriate target folder on the StudentsTempFiles server. (StudentsTempFiles/Student Drop Folder/<Your Class Period>/1.2 – I’m Here).

Assigned: August 12th, 2014
Due Date: August 12th, 2014

Fall 2014 – 1.1 – The Classroom Website

Monday, August 11th, 2014


  • Successfully log in using the provided student account.
  • Navigate in Safari to the classroom website at https://mistermarmolejo.com.
  • Create a Safari bookmark to the classroom website.
  • Post a note to the Padlet page to show you were here.


Student-Friendly Objectives:



Padlet Wall: https://padlet.com/mister_marmolej/CGD081114

Topics Discussed:
  • OSX Mavericks
  • Safari
  • Bookmarks
  • Padlet



  1. Welcome to my classroom website for Computer Graphic Design 1-2! This will be your one-stop shop for all classroom assignments, announcements and materials pertaining to the class.
  2. Take a look around my website. Make sure you scroll down so you can see the Assignments Calendar, as well as the Recent Posts and the Archives at the bottom of the page. These are where you will find past assignments (including last year’s assignments, if you want to see what you can expect this year).
  3. Click on the “About Mister Marmolejo” link to read my story. It’s a true story, one you’ve probably heard before, but I never thought it would happen to me…
  4. Make a bookmark to this website by pressing Command + D on your keyboard.
  5. Visit the classroom Padlet wall at https://padlet.com/mister_marmolej/CGD081114 and leave a message to let me know you were here. Double-click to add a message, and make sure your name is in the title so I can give you participation credit. The whole world can see what you post, so please: keep it clean.
  6. Once you have completed the above tasks, feel free to browse the web or continue configuring your desktop. Tomorrow we will work with our classroom file servers and I will show you where to turn in completed assignments.


Assigned: August 11th, 2014
Due Date: August 11th, 2014