Spring 2014 – 43 – Working With Sound

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014


  • Utilize sound in Flash movies.
  • Import sound to the Stage or the Library.
  • Open the Sound Properties window to change the compression of a sound.
Student-Friendly Objective:

  •  I can import and use sound in my Flash animations, and use the Sound Properties window to change the compression level of sounds.

Video Link:


Topics Discussed:
  • Import
  • Extend Timeline
  • Keyframes
  • Layers


  1. Open the “Pac-Man” animation created yesterday.
  2. Locate the audio files stored in StudentsTempFiles/Marmolejo CGD 1-2/Student Pickup Folder/42 – Flash Day 8 – Working With Sound. You will find “pacman_beginning.wav” and “pacman_chomp.wav”
  3. Use the technique demonstrated in today’s video to embed these audio clips into your animation. Extend the timelines to accommodate the “pacman_beginning” audio file length. Try to match the “pacman_chomp” sound to when Pac-Man eats the dots by moving the clips in the timeline to match the keyframes on the Dots layer.
  4. Save your work. Turn in your animation (now with embedded sound) titled “Your Name – Flash Day 8.fla” file to folder “43 – Flash Day 8 – Working With Sound” into your period’s subfolder by the end of today.

Assigned: April 16th, 2014
Due Date: April 16th, 2014