Wednesday, April 16th, 2014
- Utilize sound in Flash movies.
- Import sound to the Stage or the Library.
- Open the Sound Properties window to change the compression of a sound.
Student-Friendly Objective:
- I can import and use sound in my Flash animations, and use the Sound Properties window to change the compression level of sounds.
Video Link:
Topics Discussed:
- Import
- Extend Timeline
- Keyframes
- Layers
- Open the “Pac-Man” animation created yesterday.
- Locate the audio files stored in StudentsTempFiles/Marmolejo CGD 1-2/Student Pickup Folder/42 – Flash Day 8 – Working With Sound. You will find “pacman_beginning.wav” and “pacman_chomp.wav”
- Use the technique demonstrated in today’s video to embed these audio clips into your animation. Extend the timelines to accommodate the “pacman_beginning” audio file length. Try to match the “pacman_chomp” sound to when Pac-Man eats the dots by moving the clips in the timeline to match the keyframes on the Dots layer.
- Save your work. Turn in your animation (now with embedded sound) titled “Your Name – Flash Day 8.fla” file to folder “43 – Flash Day 8 – Working With Sound” into your period’s subfolder by the end of today.
Assigned: April 16th, 2014
Due Date: April 16th, 2014