All posts by mistermarmolejo

Spring 2014 – 30 – Illustrator Text Week Day 1

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

Welcome to Text Week!

Starting today, we are going to explore the use of text in Illustrator. We will discuss the different ways that text can be created and modified within Illustrator, and we will use our knowledge of color and shape to explore new ways to communicate with letters and words.
Students will be able to identify, explain and create Point Type, Area Type and Type on a Path in Illustrator.
Student Friendly Objective:
I can use the text tools in Illustrator to create Point Type, Area Type and Type on a Path.

Video Links:
Point vs. Area Type:
Putting Type on a Path:
Topics Discussed:
  • Type Tool
  • Point Type
  • Area Type
  • Type on a Path
  • Vertical Type
  • Vertical Area Type
  • Vertical Type on a Path



Create a new Illustrator Web document with four default-sized artboards. Save this document as “YOURNAME – Text Week”. We will use this document throughout the week to practice with the Type tools in Illustrator.

Watch the “Point vs. Area Type” tutorial video in the link provided above. Follow the tutorial to learn how to create point type and area type using the Type Tool.

  1. After you have watched the tutorial, go to the first artboard in your new document.
  2. If you followed along with the tutorial, you should already have Point Type and Path Type created. If not, create an example of each now using the Type Tool.
  3. Watch the “Putting Type on a Path” video tutorial at the link provided above. Follow the tutorial to learn how to create text that attaches to lines and shapes using the Type on a Path Tool.
  4. Hold the mouse button down on the Type Tool to reveal the other Type tools: the Area Type Tool, the Type on a Path Tool, the Vertical Type Tool, the Vertical Area Type Tool and the Vertical Type on a Path Tool.
  5. Try each of these tools, and show an example of each on your artboard. Make sure all your examples fit on one artboard.
  6. Your artboard should include an example of each of the following:
    1. Point Type
    2. Area Type
    3. Type on a Path
    4. Area Type inside a Shape (use the Shape Tool to draw your shape, and click on the path with the regular Type Tool)
    5. Vertical Point Type
    6. Vertical Area Type
    7. Vertical Type on a Path
  7. Save your document. We will continue to work with this document throughout the week.


Assigned: February 19th, 2014

Spring 2014 – 29 – Face Trace


To practice the use of filled shapes and colors to create original art in Illustrator.

Student Friendly Objective:

I can trace a photograph of myself using filled shapes and colors in Illustrator.

Video Link:


Topics Discussed:

  • File > Place
  • Template
  • Swatches Panel
  • Starting a new document in Illustrator CS4 using the Welcome screen.
  • Adjusting settings in the New Document dialog box.
  • Layers
  • Shape Tools
  • Pen Tool
  • Brush Tool
  • Blob Brush Tool
  • Warp Tool



Create a new Illustrator Web document with a single default-sized artboard. Save this document as “YOURNAME – Face Trace”. Then, follow the steps below.

  1. Open Photo Booth and use it to take a photograph of yourself. Copy this photo to your desktop or your Documents folder.
  2. Import the photograph on to your artboard as a Template by using File > Place, locating the photo on your machine, and placing a checkmark in the “Template” checkbox before clicking Place. The photograph should import as a new layer at 50% opacity (slightly grayed-out and see-through).
  3. Create a new layer by clicking the “New Layer” button at the bottom of the Layers panel. Rename this layer by double-clicking on it. Call the layer “Face”.
  4. Use the drawing tools (Shape Tools, Pen tool, Blob Brush Tool) to create a filled shape that traces the shape of your face.
  5. Repeat this process for every part of your face and body that you can see (Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Ears, Hair, Neck, Shoulders, Clothes, Jewelry, etc.) Be sure to create a new layer for each shape. You may wish to lock previous layers to avoid disturbing them.
  6. DO NOT use the Paint Brush or the Pencil tools to color in your shapes. Use filled shapes only. You may use the paint brush to add details like hair, eyebrows or facial hair.
  7. When all the visible parts of your face and body are covered, create a layer directly above your Template layer, and draw a rectangle the size of your entire page. Fill this rectangle with your favorite color to create a background.
  8. Save your document. Place a copy in folder 29 on the StudentTempFiles volume.


Assigned: February 10th, 2014
Due Date: February 14th, 2014